Stuff Stuff Stuff Stufff

Last night I had the nerve to have a dream about my sims!  I thought it was real and got mad with them.  Chase had--on his own might I add--started flirting with this guy and married him even though he was with Janie.  Then Janie ended up getting her baby taken away as soon as she had it and ended up dying afterwards from her sadness.  Everyone passed her by while she was lying dead on the floor.

Anyway let me get back to what I'm really suppose to do on this post.  As the title suggest, here is the stuff, stuff, stuff.

romantic veil by BEO

All these were the results of my search for wedding stuff.  I was looking more into wedding stuff for a pregnant sim so I can remarry Janie and Chase; however, I found these awesome veils that I really liked, so expect awesome wedding pictures from me guys!  Here is the link to the website.  The only thing about here is that you have to make an account there.  It's easy though, so don't sweat and these sim items above are free.  I didn't try any of the others; I only now about these few I downloaded.



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