Update--Into the Future enhanced

I just got the newest sim pack Into the Future and this is what I have accomplished although my game crashed burned and did a whole Shakespearean tragedy for me.

Janie is pregnant again with her nth child.  The first one is a before picture before the birth of her new son Clark.  She gave birth just moments after figuring out what that weird contraption was in her home and man with blue hair and suite came popping out of it.  I guess the excitement broke her water and pushed her into labor.

After it was fixed and the blue man went back home, the kids decided to go into the future and see what the world would look like.  Two teenage boys and a female who desperately needed a man and get out of her parents house--with that combination nothing can possibly go wrong! . . . .right?  Nothing will go wrong right?  Crap!

Well the only unfortunate thing was that the blue man convinced one of the boys to try out a jet-pack.  On the first try he went straight into the ground even though he was standing and aiming for the sky.  But eventually he got the hang of it.  He flied around a bit, yet still ended up in the ground.

This is a first picture of Clark as in his awesome baby crib.  When I start doing period pieces (which will be the moment after I finish this freakishly long challenge that is taking like foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever!!!!!) this will be the crib that you guys will see a lot of.

This is Janie being all sci-ency and stuff!!!  She started messing around with this machine I bought for the new house (I will post pics of the new house after I get it together with furniture  paintings, the whole shebang).  She made this stuff called . . . we'll call it N for now . . .well she made N this some trait chips too. 

After a bit of playing with the machine she successfully made a female Plumbot named Char.  You know what I might actually may name one of my future daughters Char.  Well anyway this is a new member of our lovely home.

One thing that I found funny was how Char failed at doing pull ups!  For a robot, I thought this would be easy for her, but she is like any other sim and her new family loves her for it!  She's too human and they love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now looking at my female Robot, I wanted there to be more than just one, because she looked lonely being the first of her kind in that world and all.  So Janie made another one, a male Plumbot named Adam.  They were introduced immediatly after he was . . .smoked out? poofed?  I'll stick with created for a lack of a better term.


  1. That's so cool. Char is a really pretty plumbot. Way nicer than the one I made. And I hope Janie is able to reach 150 babies!! Actually....I know she can!!! Time for some more WooHooing with Chase the merman!! xD

    1. I'm working on it!! On the 150 baby list there are some new grown up children from the list there!


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