Here is the Collin family. Jacob Collin is a firefighter and he stands on the right with his wife in the middle holding their son Kurt Collin. On the left is George Collin the one that Janie's daughter Karmen marries. This is an old family picture I meant to upload some time ago.
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Here is Yuna and George Collins. They as you guys already know are married to each other. Currently they have a child, a son, who is still just a newborn baby. Hopefully they will give Janie and Chase more and more grandchildren in the future.
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Hey remember Elizabeth Friel? Well she invited Jacob Collins on outing. During the outing the two relived old feelings they had for each other. They embraced one another until the point just being their looking at each other wasn't enough. The two allowed themselves to indulge in what they really wanted of themselves.
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Kurts Collin finally grew up to be an adult. In the search for him a wife, I remembered that there was a daughter of Janie's who had a hard time with love. If you can remember, she was in a relationship with a guy that seemed to refuse to marry her so she had to break it off and leave the house in hope to find romance again. And look what happens when a person waits long enough! Kurts and Katie (I believe that's her name) began a relationship. They are now married and have a child on the way.
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After watching some videos about Fairies, Janie became obsessed with
them. She was so crazed over them that she desired to have a fairy
baby of her own. While on this quest she met one of her old friends who
was a male fairy. The relationship was good, but the man would never
give her what she really wanted--the means to produce a fairy
child--because she was already pregnant with her husband child. She
didn't know that she had conceived so quickly from her copulation with
Chase that morning. She ends up turning to a female fairy who was manning a food court at the park. She is sadden that she was successful there either.
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While being cheated on by her husband, Alice Collins was seduced by fairy magic. She for that brief moment fell heavily in love with a male fairy being, and before she knew it, she found herself pregnant with his child. Her husband has yet the gained the knowledge of it!
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After having her triplets (Sarah, Abby, and Jim), Janie sets off again to gain the fairy baby she desired so much. Thinking that she would never ever have what she wanted, she tried to go by things in other ways by copulating with another woman. Janie ends up meeting one of Chase's mistresses. She doesn't know that the woman had relations with her husband; however, she probably wouldn't have cared since the woman was a fairy. Growing the relationship, Janie manages to copulate with the fairy woman. In dismay, Janie is hit with the hard fact that she wasn't pregnant.
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While in the park, Janie came upon her daughter Elizabeth. She must have gotten pregnant when she went on that date with Jacob Collins!
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While searching for another fairy, Janie ran into the first fairy woman she tried to get pregnant by. Her name was Rosemary Masturi. She was a full blown pregnant woman now. When Janie tried to interact with her, the only option was that Rosemary needed to go to the hospital! Janie was finally about to to get the fairy baby that she oh so desired to have.
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On the way there Janie runs into her daughter Yuna who was probably just making a doctor's visit or was coming to have her kid too.
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Rosemary told Janie that she would be fine and that Janie could stay out with her daughter.
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So Janie stayed behind to talk to her soon to be coming grandchild as well as have small talk with her daughter while waiting for the arrival of her new fairy baby Rosemary was having for her.
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After a while and when Yuna left, Janie realized that Rosemary was in the hospital an extremely long time. She began to worry, so she went in to consult one of the doctors. He said that she had left hours ago with the newborn. Janie was furious. She began to storm all over Island Paradise searching for Rosemary's house--the two only met at the park where Rosemary worked from time to time. When it seemed that her efforts were useless, Janie tried to find her in her contacts and made efforts to invite Rosemary and her household over. Janie was really determined to get the fairy baby she desired. However, with every invite there would either be a decline or a something came up excuse. Janie was devastated, but did not lose hope on obtaining her child. In the meanwhile, Janie went out to see if she could get pregnant by a fairy again.
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Janie ends up inviting Chase's mistress from before over to the house. She locks herself in a secluded apartment with the woman and then seduces her. Finally, Janie manages to get pregnant with a fairy baby she oh so desired.
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Soon after finding out she was pregnant, Alice gave birth to a baby girl. Seeing that it was a fairy, Janie takes the child away and locks her in the apartment Janie locked Chase's mistress and herself in. With a room already prepared, the baby sleeps soundly in Janie's arms not innocent of her abduction.
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Other news is that Karmen and Kurts aged up and are out of the house. You guys already know about Kurts, so for Karmen, she ends up leaving the nest to find love at a familiar place. A long time ago, one of Janie's daughters named Marry Friel went to find love at the Lonely Lovers resident. As what was said, Marry was only able to date him, so was forced to leave with their unborn child in search for a love that promised marriage and a future. Anyway, in the same house with the same male sim, Yuna comes to love the man and starts to date him.
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Unlike her sister Marry, Yuna manage to get the man to marry her and become apart of their large family! So now they are married and with a child on the way.
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Hearing of the marriage, Janie comes over to greet and her daughter and to congratulate her. However, the two hit bad terms when Yuna begins to insult her mother! Could it be that Yuna knows about Janie's unfaithful efforts in trying to have a fairy baby?!
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Feeling a bit guilty, Janie returns home with one thing on her mind--to tell Chase everything. She spots Chase on the second floor in one of their private apartments. She calls him over. Janie announces her affair and reveals her pregnancy from the affair to Chase. Of course at first he was steamy mad about his wife's unfaithfulness, but then he remembers that he has countless children by other women and comes to the conclusion that he should accept Janie's actions. He promises to love her unborn child as if it was his own.
Well that's it for now--for their story I mean. For me, the sim player, I've decided to tweak my challenge. I've decided that every child born from Janie or a product of Chase and Janie together will be counted in the race for 150 kids. This also include plant children grown by either Chase or Janie and adopted children if any.
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