6 and counting

 Henry wanted to make sure he was taking good care of his second wife, so he made a visit to her house after work.
 She was fine and was wearing some odd maternity clothes.  They didn't do much since she was quite tired, so Henry just made sure she was okay and then headed home.  We don't want things to get too scandalous now do we?
 Here are all the children between Sam and Henry.  In the crib are the twins, Joy and Hope, and in the swing is their first born Grace.
 This is Sam teaching Grace how to walk.
 Now that some time had passed, Henry and Sam thought it would be a good time to start pumping the baby train again.
 But Henry had to go to work.  Sam had a day off, so she thought it best to spend it with her children.  In her time, Grace learned to talk and walk.
 And the twins got some nice cuddle mommy time.
 When everyone got back home, Sam stepped out for a bit. To her surprise, she came across a unicorn!  She befriended it, but as soon as she was about to invite it to her household, the time struck and the horse had to go.  Better luck next time . . . maybe . . .
On the way to check on Wife 2, Henry spots her walking up to her house. However, she's not wearing what she usually wears.  With a closer look, he was surprised to see her so pregnant.  It was like it was just yesterday they tried for baby and now BAM she's super pregnant!
 Henry was able to witness the birth of the first child between him and his second wife . . . in the backyard.  Hold you wi-fi they are getting wild everybody!
 Now that she was here, he came back to the second wife's house to check on his daughter, (her name was something weird that only a sim could think up).
 Henry gave her a bath . . .
And he hugged his daughter, before placing her back in her crib and leaving for home.
 Because of the sudden weight gain, Henry began doing workouts to get back his body.
 In the kitchen, Sam went into labor.  She delivered a baby girl they named Willow.
 The unicorn is BACK!!!!  But I lost it . . . again . . . and again.  For some reason, any action Sam has with the horse gets canceled.
 On the way to see his second wife, Henry starts walking funny!  He's moving about like Sam would when she was pregnant. Should Henry be worried?
 Henry confirmed that his second wife was pregnant.  Now that he was sure, he went in to check on his daughter, (it was some weird name that only a sim could give), before taking his leave.
 When he came home, Sam was angry and fussing at him before he could get up the stairs good.  He understood why, but needed her to understand why he was doing what he's doing.  He explains the curse and begs for her forgiveness.  Sam doesn't forgive him right away, because she thinks that he's a loon!
 But in the middle of their fight, Henry starts to complain about stomach pains and a glowing green fog swarms around his midsection.  You probably can't tell but they're both freaked out; especially Henry.
 To their surprise, an alien baby girl pops out of the green haze!  They named her Ashlie.  However, the thing is, no one knew Henry was abducted!  Sam was pretty sure that Henry didn't have an affair with an alien woman, because he would have married her, set up a house, and she would be the one pregnant!  It had to only be abduction.  Well he did feel that odd sense of weight gain caused by being abducted and implanted with an alien baby . . . yeah we'll just leave it at that . . .  for now . . .
 Back on track, Henry and Sam finally found the right moment to try for another baby.
 The love tension, that no one paid any attention to between Mattie and Carl, son of Charles and half-brother to Angela, burst in the kitchen one day.  On a fast track the two became official.
 And not too long after, Mattie asked Carl to marry her and of course he said yes!  And of course they woohooed for the first time and Mattie became pregnant. They were going to wait until after high school, but with the baby on the way the two got married right away.
 Sam didn't want to explode from her house's craziness, so she stepped out to take a woo-saw at their island farm house.  She did a little gardening until dark and was too tired to go home.  She decided to stay. After phoning to the Butler about her decision, Henry came walking in with all means to make everything up to her.  The couple rekindled their love and made way for more little Taylors to come about.
 The morning after their lovely evening together, Sam sat at the counter while she watched Henry make pancakes for breakfast.  Sometimes, he can be so sweet.  Should she be worried?
 After school, since all her other sibling were either too busy or too young to hang out with, Grace went to the little island farmhouse they had built not too long ago.  She wanted to go be with her mom and not be swamped by the cramp-ness of their other island home.  When she got there, Sam was finishing up a painting.  When she finished, she helped Grace with homework by the fireplace in the bedroom.
 After doing homework, Grace and her mother went outside for a game of tag.  Before going in, Sam went to go check on her garden to see if she could salvage anything for lunch.
 As you know, some time ago, the Taylor family bought a house out on an island  far out in the ocean.  Sam wanted to turn it into a getaway place, because of everything that was going on in her life.  The little house she had built there was turned into a nice stowaway and a small farm to hone her gardening skills.  She grows all kinds of stuff there were even the forbidden fruits!  While tending to her garden she noticed that the forbidden fruit plant was ready to be harvested.  To her surprise, she pulled out a baby boy that looked like a plant!  Well it seems Mattie started off the line of sons this family will have.  As she coddle the little plant sim, she began to think of a name to give the child.  Sam settled on Chase to acknowledge the first male sim in their quest.  Only to honor his try not his personality.  Maybe she should have named him Fern after the first plant sim made in their quest.  Well it's Chase now.  Hope he doesn't become a womanizer like Chase was . . .
 Sam tucked plant baby Charles away in a crib she bought just for him.  He slept while she fixed dinner for Grace before Sam had to send the little girl back home before it got too late.  Sam had to finish some things, before she came back home.
 Sam and Henry never threw or gone to a party before and thought it would be a wonderful idea to throw a group party for the twins, Joy and Hope, Willow, the alien surprise baby, Ashlie,  and their first born, Grace.  They invited a bunch of people over to their house on the main island, because it was bigger than their other two and could hold everyone.  Henry had to work and Sam was on maternity leave, so she did all the decorating.  She lined the walkway with balloon clusters, got a buffet table, installed a dance floor with lighting, added a apple bobbing pool on the back deck, bought a cotton candy machine, bought a popcorn machine, bought another machine that gave food, bought a party special effect machine, brought in two drink mixing tabled, and even hired a mixologist for one of the drink tables.  With everything done, all was left was to bring in the babies and set the buffet table.  Kids, family and mixologist were all there and everything was ready, but when 1 o'clock hit, no one came.  Not a soul turned up.  And to think, Sam invited all the family's best friends.  And all that work too!  Well at least the important people, family and the birthday kids, were there, so they still held a happy celebration.  Down below are some of the birthday pictures.

 Late into the morning while cleaning up after the little kid's birthday party, Sam went into labor.  Since, she wasn't in their main house, she rushed herself to the hospital (Dad was MIA and grandma had to stay behind with the kids).  She had twin boys named Garth and Gale Taylor.
 Eventually, Mattie got her grades up and was able to graduate from high school defeating the teenage mom idea.  She didn't want to be looked at as another statistics:  Teenage girl gets pregnant and drops out of high school. Nope, that wasn't her, so she brought that F in school up to a B and graduated alongside her husband.

 Mattie and Carl shared a birthday not too long after all the little kids did.  But this time is was hosted at home with family and the butler.  This is Carl blowing out his candles.

 This is Mattie aging up after blowing out her candles.  Now adults, the two got remarried and went off to college where they both got medical degrees.  They saw how their town hospital was overrun  by patients do to its one doctor staff.  Coming back home from college, the two moved onto the central island where the main town was to be closer to the hospital and school for their baby boy.  Plus it was getting a little too crowded at home.

For the 150 babies there are 6/150, (I think it should be okay to add the plant sim and the alien baby onto the list, since they didn't go  out of their marriage to obtain them).  Well until next time!


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