Ep 1: Hello...it's me again... ^ _ ^

Well...things have been rough.  I've gone to my next level of schooling that has filled my days full of school work, and I have picked up some things that I had let go to the way side, which also fill my days.  However, that's not what keeps me from my dramatic sim play ^ _ ^.  My poor unfaithful PC has finally croaked on me at the bottom of a gutter--not really; it's just being stupid and the display screen is malfunctioning.  My soul and heart crashed and burned when I realised that that good for nothing PC of mine would no longer operate in the way that I needed to even be able to operate the dang thing.  This left me to suffer for days on ends of no sim play or continuing my 150 baby goal.  But the good news is, is that I saved all my stuff for that game onto an external storage and e-mails--it was a lot of work.

Now for the real reason for this post.  I've got another computer, however, it is a wibbly wobbly techy waimy thing that makes it . . . hard to fix my game up just like I did on old unfaithful--yes I do understand that some of the words I used are not real.  Anyway, I was still able to download the Sims 3 with all my expansion packs.  The issue is getting my mods and package files to work.  Anyway, back on topic.  Since the installment of the game, I have been playing a whole new family that consisted of two sisters--one was married and the other had a toddler--and their sim controlled lives.  Remember, this is only until I can fix up my game the way I want it.

Anyways, here goes the story!!! ^ - ^  WEll....Before I do that, here's the last update for Sam and Henry before I head off into this new family I will be playing.

Okay! WEll here is Sam; she's just coming in from work after a long day of ruling the world!  Doesn't she look official (^-^)

To tell you guys the truth, I don't know what the heck Henry does for work, but whatever it is, he's been doing for a really long time.  I, the sim player, is starting to get worried about that.  Anyway (I think this might be my favorite word for this post ^-^ ) Henry just got home tired from whatever it is that he does for a living to see his poor tired first wife sound asleep in their bed.  As he sits, down on the little bench at the foot of the bed, Henry took a moment to realize that something different was done to the house while he was gone.  It seems that Sam finally did some redecorating.  It's fine, but Henry really wished she had discussed this with him before she did that.  Deep inside, he was still in love with Grace and how the house was decorated was the only thing that kept her alive in his day to day life.  However, a part of him understood that this change was good.  Besides, there were too many people in the house to keep everything the same.  More children were to be had and everyone is growing up too fast to keep up.

As Henry got ready for bed, I looked at Sam and realized that she was having baby dreams.  Does this mean anything?  Could she be pregnant with a new member of the family?  

Checking to see if my hunch is right, I was stunned and overjoyed to see that I was!  But look at that belly!  How in the world did she walk around and I not notice this?  Hmm?  Explain Sam!  Explain!!  Sigh.  These sims will be the death of me, just kidding (^-^).  I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.  Anyway, look at that belly!  Earlier in her blue suit, she looked nothing like this!  Her stomach was flat as a board just a few seconds ago!

I'm guessing Henry, did that same double take that I did, because now he's in the middle of a conversation on how she got that pregnant that fast! Wait...is it...Alien?  We all remember Henry's surprise alien baby; maybe she got abducted and knocked up by aliens without my knowledge.  If so, I just glad she didn't pull a Grace and go missing. (-_-) I think I'm still feeling some type of way about that....

Anyway, all of Sam and Henry's children have grown up, but are still living in the house.  My plan, if their presence is too much and kick them out, is to get each of the children jobs and married off--and hopefully pregnant.  Most of the children, if not all, went to become doctors at the family hospital.  But really you guys, how is a hospital going to have only one doctor?  Maybe that's why it took Charles's first abducted pregnant woman so long to have her baby and go missing, the hospital was understaffed by a lot!  Since, the kids are still at home, I made it my task to also make them learn new skills.  In the photo, you have will, a nurse, learning to play the piano.

Look ah here! Here's Grace all grown up! She dyed her hair red and started wearing greens and yellows ^-^

Since Grace and all her siblings were crowding the house and Sam, their mother, was pregnant, room was needed and I didn't feel like moving them to another house or do another add on.  So an undercover party was thrown.  Sam invited all the men and women that the family knew.  I hope things work out!

And I think things did! When this guy first saw Grace, he had the hearts thing going on that showed that it was love at first sight, so I was like why not.  Immediately, the two began wooing each other in the middle of the kitchen.


For a little privacy, they moved into Grace's grandmother's room, where she wooed him into a strong love filled relationship.

And she ended up popping the question.

And he accepted ^-^!  Fast, wasn't it?  To make sure he didn't have anytime to rethink his decision or give the kids any time to prolong things, they had a private ceremony.  They were married within minutes.  

Here is Willow, she's a blonde.  I don't understand sim DNA.  It's so weird, and I promise there wasn't an affair . . . I think . . . 

Just as she was about to get into the party and look for her future husband, but Sam went into labor and the party ended.  Sorry Willow!

Okay, I confess. I don't know who this kid is, but I do know that he is the son of Henry and Sam.  Something deep down inside me tells me that this may be Chase.  Yes, I know Chase is supposed to be a plant sim, but sim DNA is wibly wobly in my game.

The same goes for this guy too.  I don't know when he was born or how he came to be. It has been a long time, since I checked up on this game, and now there are loopholes in who these people are.  But what I do know is that he is another child of Sam and Henry.

Sam had given birth to a baby boy at the party.  This is her, placing the new addition in the crib every child in their family has come to know.

Well that's it for the Taylor family for now.  Here we go onto my new sim family.  I would label them with a family name, but the two sisters have different last names...I was making this family with a friend (^-^).  The family has moved into town and have started their lives.  Because I don't have pictures, I will have to tell you guys the beginning of their story.  We have Jenny Hue who is married to Jackle and ...well we'll just call Jenny's sister Rue--until I get her name--and Rue's daughter Felicity.   Jenny has joined the business field and is currently on level four, and Jackle just became  Her sister stays at home to pursue her artistic side, but after she got married she started pursuing a job in writing.  Okay, now the boring stuff is over (^-^)

Here is Jackle.  Needing some time out of the house, he goes to do a task to elevate his job status.  However, as soon as he got there, he saw that the person that he met with was a vampire and was like, "how cool would it be to be a vampire?", so he momentarily forgot why he was there and tried to befriend the vampire.  Never letting her go he kept on, until they were friends.  For second, he wanted to have a vampire child with her, but she was married and a vampire.  A smart man doesn't get with a vampire and break her heart, that's just suicidal.  So he in the end he just ask for her to turn him.

But when he went into the house, he saw this pretty young thing named Holly.  He thought he was beautiful and had the hearts thing for her.  Immediately, Jackle began to woo here despite the fact that he was married too and with a baby at home to boot, but he didn't care.  He really wanted that woman, he was drawn to her.  Things became heated and the two woohooed in the shower.

Since this day was Spooky Day, Rue, Jenny's sister, decided to take her daughter out to trick or treat.  They spent as long as they could outside doing it, but no matter what house they went to, there always wasn't anyone home.  Both Rue and Felicity went home sad.

Here's a better picture of Rue for you guys (^-^)

Jackle came how to his wife, Jenny feeling over the top guilty for what he did.  Needing to build up his courage, he waited until night time to spill what he had done.  Jackle used the magic lamp they owned that influences moods to keep things calm and to keep Jenny from wanting to divorce him, but it didn't help.  Jenny was angry.  She was so angry that just the day after when he began to interact with her again, she almost divorced him.  I had to teleport him to a room that she couldn't get to, before anything serious happened. 

Eventually, Jenny had to go out to get some fresh air.  She went to the park where she met this old fairy guy.  They had the heart things going on.  -_- this was my face.  The two became friends, and since he had just lost a friend and was sad, Jenny allowed him to move in with her and her family.  I know I don't have the pictures for this part,(I just decided to blog about this family) but the old guy ends up dating Holly, moving in with her, and having a baby with her.

At home, things all over the place were breaking.  One of the many things was the dishwasher.  Jenny, being handy, decided to fix it instead of pay $50 for the repair man, but as she was doing it, the dishwasher caught on fire and then the whole kitchen caught on fire (-_-) and they all panicked.  Eventually, Jackle regained his common sense and pulled out the fire extinguisher.  It took him a few times to put all of the fire out.

After everything that was destroyed by the fire was replaced and cleaned up, they threw a small birthday party for Felicity.

Well that's it for now, next post will be more coherent, I promise (^-^).
Until then!!


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