While his new wife was upstairs giving birth, Jackle was all too consumed by his task. All his research and late nights were finally yielding some results! With the DNA he obtain from his wife, before she died, Jackle was finally able to make a clone of her! Originally, the vampire wanted to resurrect his wife, Jenny, but no matter how long he studied the alchemy books, he just couldn't find the right instructions to even begin to think upon the task. But nevertheless, he now held a replica of his true love. "I will raise you, my love," he whispered his promise to the child as he lifted her out of the machine's embrace, "And when you are older, we shall marry and carry on our lives as they should have so long ago."
Beneath the shed out back, Jaclke had built a hidden room beneath. He had already had the small four stoned wall room prepared for Jenny. There was a small corner carved out for the baby with a crib and mobile hover over head, a rocking chair, a simple child's play rug for when she was big enough to play on the floor, and a light to which he'd use to read her bedtime stories. Along with the crib, Jackle also prepared all other means to make sure that his success of regaining his true love back was a permanent thing. Medical equipment was brought down to the small room incase he had to make another clone, and his alchemy station and potions rack was reassembled down there too. Out of the two, his alchemy station was the most important, for he planned to use his potions on the clone to make sure he could turn her into a vampire in secret, if she refused. But there was also another reason why the alchemy station was so important, he feared that Jenny's clone might not fill the hole left in his heart, after Jenny died, would not be field, so he had not yet abandoned his plans to resurrect his wife's spirit.
Beneath the shed out back, Jaclke had built a hidden room beneath. He had already had the small four stoned wall room prepared for Jenny. There was a small corner carved out for the baby with a crib and mobile hover over head, a rocking chair, a simple child's play rug for when she was big enough to play on the floor, and a light to which he'd use to read her bedtime stories. Along with the crib, Jackle also prepared all other means to make sure that his success of regaining his true love back was a permanent thing. Medical equipment was brought down to the small room incase he had to make another clone, and his alchemy station and potions rack was reassembled down there too. Out of the two, his alchemy station was the most important, for he planned to use his potions on the clone to make sure he could turn her into a vampire in secret, if she refused. But there was also another reason why the alchemy station was so important, he feared that Jenny's clone might not fill the hole left in his heart, after Jenny died, would not be field, so he had not yet abandoned his plans to resurrect his wife's spirit.
Days later, after recovering from the rough homebirth, Jackle's new wife had found a way to escape the room she was held hostaged in. However, he newfound freedom wasn't freedom at all. Somehow, her vampire husband had bound her to the house, so that even if she was able to leave it, she would not be able to take a single foot step off the premises. She was, as all is concerned, trapped to that house and to that horrible marriage. As she wondered the layout of the backyard, she had become quite curious of the shed that stood in the corner by the garden. She had remembered seeing it before and had heard that Jackle's wife had almost died in there from a suicide attempt by fire. And if she was not mistaken, the woman recalled a memory from not too long ago of Jackle sneaking out to--as long as she was there, the man had never really set foot inside of the structure. The man had gone out there in the middle of the night cradling something. "Hmm...I wonder," the woman goes to try the door, but it was locked. "What are you hiding?" she asked. From the front of the house, she heard the sound of a car door being slammed, so she dashed back inside and up to her room. She didn't want to face his wrath, if he had found out that she had escaped.
Having no inkling that his wife had gotten out, Jackle proceeded to enter Study, where he planned to place the new flower pot he had bought. While gaining the skills he'd need to make Jenny's clone, he had acquired the forbidden fruit seed. He had heard much about it and read a few entries about the "children" that came of it, from the logs of families that preceded his own. Jackle, however, was quite skeptical about it. How can a child come from such a ridiculous thing? It's impossible! He looked the seed over, and just as his curiosity had led him to buying a flower pot and soil, after visiting his mistress, it had led him to planting the seed. He wanted to know if what he heard about it was a lie or the truth.
Pressured by the need to fulfil the task placed upon him as it was placed upon his predecessors, Jackle felt that his wife had rested long enough and it was time for them to try again for another child. Currently they had only five offsprings within their marriage and so many left to go. As he trudged up the stairs, the man could only remember his wife and their plan to have all those children, but then that happy memory was clouded by the mark of her death and his marriage to his second wife. For a moment, he had almost turned away from her door to flee to the arms of his mistress, but he gritted his teeth and entered anyway. The two had coupled a few times after that day. Once the woman was pregnant, Jackle proceeded with his other extra curricular activities while his now pregnant wife mulled about the house. He had finally allowed her to roam the inside of the house and see the older children, who had outgrew the needs of the nursery. When the time had came again for her to give birth, she was with her children to welcome a new life to the family.
The new arrivals, a set of twin boys, had not been the only additions to the family that day. Before going to bed, Jackle went to go check on the forbidden fruit plant like he did every night. He saw that the leaves were big, green and leafy. For a second, he had swore he had saw the plant move, but then chalked it all up to being tired from his day. The vampire looked the plant over a bit, before finally deciding that the plant had reached full term, so he pulled it. He was surprised to find out that the plant did in fact produce an infant, a boy.
By this time, Jackle had already remodeled the secret room. There was need to an extension and update, since his Jenny had gotten so big and was already a child. After dusting the dirt off the baby, Jackled to the child down into the secret dwellings beneath the shed, where he'd remain a secret forever alongside Jenny.
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