And the Plot Thickens

 Day by day, Ally rejoiced in her new single status as she lived her daily life in her house. Although she carried a child of a man she did not love, she was still happy and overjoyed.
She goes out as much as she wants. And spends "her" money anyway and as much as she wants to. The only nag in her happy life, are his children. By law, she is still to care and provide for them since they are still considered minors of the state. But she has a plan to fix that.
At the time, the sun had been sleeping in the downstairs vampire lair. The perfect place with no witnesses, Ally chooses here and now to dispose of one of the children. So, with the same spell she used on the husband, she sets fire to various spots in the room. The son awakens to an entire room ablaze and he now trapped in the flames reach. 
Once the fire extinguished itself and the Grim Reaper had come yet again, Ally put on her award-winning step-mom face and grieved her now dead step-son. She had planned to get rid of the daughter as well in the same manner, however, other plans filtered in and were put into play. The family fortune was dwindling due to Ally's excessive spending on the house's remodel. So to supplement it, Ally chose to continue raising the daughter so that in her adulthood, the daughter would be used as a means of income.
Ally's first act of being the cruel step-mom she intends to be, she makes the daughter clean up the downstairs vampire lair, since it will become Ally's own personal grave plot and the daughter's haunting reminder.
Meanwhile, June had gone into labor with her first child. It was a healthy baby boy. Just one more kid to go, before Ally thinks it's necessary to give June's growing family more room.


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